Just a short post to reflect on the year that has passed since I started this blog.
A quick trawl through the archives reveals I have published 21 posts (not including this one) for an average of just less than two posts per month. A quick look at my traffic statistics show that I’ve had almost 6,000 visits and over 10,000 page views.
Figure 1: Graph of web traffic over the last year of blogging.
That huge spike of almost 500 visitors on a single day was for my post on books that have affected my research. Most of the incoming traffic for that post was from Kevin Kelly’s post on the same topic. It’s my most read post with over 2,500 views.
The second and third most popular posts were on prediction and the axiom of choice with about 1,300 views and Visualising ROC and cost curve duality with just over 400 views.
Of course, it is natural to want to increase those figures but overall I’ve been fairly happy at the frequency of posts I’ve written and the number of readers I’ve attracted to what is a fairly narrow subject area.
So, one year down and one year to go on my current post-doc. In the year ahead, I’ll continue writing about research by others in machine learning but I’ll also try to include more expositions of some of my own work.
Mark Reid September 22, 2008 Canberra, Australia