Provided there is no further volcanic disruptions coming from Iceland, I will be in Sardinia, Italy on Wednesday for AISTATS 2010. As well as being able to indulge in what I imagine to be great food and coffee, I’m also looking forward to engaging with a very interesting looking program.
Some of the posters and talks I’m looking forward to include:
Learning Exponential Families in High-Dimensions: Strong Convexity and Sparsity by Kakade, Shamir, Sindharan and Tewari
Exploiting Feature Covariance in High-Dimensional Online Learning by Ma, Kulesza, Dredze, Crammer, Saul, and Pereira
Empirical Bernstein Boosting by Shivaswamy and Jebara
Guarantees for Approximate Incremental SVMs by Usunier, Bordes, and Bottou
Structured Prediction Cascades by Weiss and Taskar
I’ll be standing by a poster on Friday explaining Bob Williamson and my work on some characterisations of the convexity of a natural class of losses for binary class probability estimation.
Please drop by and say hello if you are also going to be at AISTATS.
Mark Reid May 9, 2010 Cambridge, United Kingdom